Case Study


Competitive Analysis – Aftermarket Service Companies

Client wanted to capture the details of start ups dealing in automotive aftermarket services and to understand the core products and services offered by them.

Resources Assigned
Project Type

Detailed Research


Consulting Firm



Project Completion

April, 2022

The Problem

It was required to gather the data through primarily from the company’s official website for ~50 parameters/features provided by each player.

The Solution

Our team performed exhaustive research through company website, press release and web search for better output of each company We have done competitive analysis across the features of each company which they offered


Limited data availability as per the parameters


Used multiple terminologies to capture most precise data

The Impact we created

With the exhaustive comparison for each company in after market services, output helped our client to identify the unique service models of its competitors, identify unserved gaps in the market and evaluate the viability of new services.

Relevant Insights

Identify the unique service models of its competitors

New Opportunities

Identify unserved gaps in the market and evaluate the viability of new services